Q Fever! Medical Humor & Satire

June 14, 2000 | Volume 1, Issue 1

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The Q Fever! Advisory Board

Our expert panel tackles today's most pressing questions.

This week's question:

So many journals, so little time. How can physicians and other healthcare professionals manage to stay up-to-date with current medical literature?

Mark Twain

Noted Writer

"I'll be straight up fron' wit' you, Tom - I reckon 'dese 'ere journals stacked up forty high, an' none got any clos'r to bein' read than where we got at that ol' schoolhous', meanin' it ain' got read whatsoever." - excerpt, Tom Sawyer

Babe Ruth

Feared Slugger

"Left field was always my favorite spot to hit 'em. Plus I got a candy bar all my own, and I owe it all to JAMA."

Bull Frog

Tree Toad


* "Don't try to read all the journals from cover to cover. You'll never get anywhere that way. Do what I do - cut out the articles you're planning to read and put them aside for later disposal."


& Patroclus

"Achilles, you bastard! Get out there and fight!!"


Nucleic Acid

"Split the journals into two groups, the ones that make sense and the ones that don't. Xerox all the pages front to back and then back to front. Paste everything back together and put it in the oven. Serves 4."

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