Top 10 Reasons Why British Healthcare System Trumps U.S. System
April 4, 2001
10. | No need to ever visit nasty orthodontists |
9. | Gratuitous use of "ae" and "oe" dipthongs in big medical words strengthens palatal musculature |
8. | Could conceivably have same G.P. as Boy George |
7. | Outstanding physicians may be knighted, allowing them to ride into O.R. on horse, slice off tumor with sword |
6. | Tea available in both oral and parenteral formulations |
5. | Electric defibrillator crumpet hasn't yet caught on in U.S. |
4. | Plans afoot to convert Millenium Dome into massive waiting room |
3. | Plans afoot to convert Millenium Dome into massive waiting room |
2. | Individuals driving on left hand side of road less likely to be a burden to healthcare system than in the States |
1. | Sellafields nuclear reactor makes radiation therapy easily available to all citizens of the British Isles |
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