Q Fever! Medical Humor & Satire

September 6, 2000 | Volume 1, Issue 7

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It’s Up To You

Notes from the Editors
Dear Reader,

Are you sitting down?

If not, you might just want to, before continuing further.

Are you sitting down yet?

We really think you should.

We mean it! And we won't go on until you do.

Sit down, dammit.


All right. All right. FINE.

Remain standing then.

See if we care.

We just wanted you to be comfortable, that's all.

We just wanted you to be comfortable.

And you sure as heck don't look comfortable to us.

No, sir.

Wait a second.

Wait a second.

You ARE sitting.

It looked like you were standing though.

It really looked like you were standing.

It looked like you were about three feet tall, standing there like that.

But you're sitting.

You're sitting.

Did you mean to do that?

To trick us like that?

Now, that wasn't very nice, was it?

Tricking us like that.

We still love you, though.

We still love you.

And we want you to be happy.


The Editors

M. Furfur, MD Editor-In-Chief
B. Cereus, MD, PhD, Editor-At-Large

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