Q Fever! Medical Humor & Satire

January 17, 2001 | Volume 2, Issue 1

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Wheal Be There!

Notes from the Editors
Dear Reader,

Our timing was off.

We thought you were coming at eight, but you showed up at six.

So we invited you in - and offered you chips with salsa.

You delighted us with tales of intrigue while stew simmered on the stove.

We laughed at your ribald jokes, and joined you as you sang to us your song of love.

Yea, we welcomed you as our houseguest, with arms open, legs submissive.

And you... you returned our generosity how?

By vomiting? By retching?... by spewing forth a stream of bilious phlegm so obscene as to warrant your dismissal?



The Editors

M. Furfur, MD Editor-In-Chief
B. Cereus, MD, PhD, Editor-At-Large

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